Friday, June 16, 2006

Studying the Leadership of Sts. Paul, Francis and Clare of Assisi in Italy 2007

I will be joining Dr. Karin Klenke in 2007 in Italy to lead a studies abroad trip to explore the leadership of the Apostle Paul and Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi. The itinerary, scope and costs will be available in time at the following link:

St. Clare of Assisi holds a special research interest for me and I presented a paper on her Kenotic Mysticism and Servant Leadership at the Servant Leadership Roundtable in August 2005.

The abstract for this paper, entitled "Kenotic Mysticism and Servant Leadership in the letters of Clare of Assisi to Agnes of Prague", follows:
This paper explores the spirituality and leadership of Clare of Assisi in the letters to Agnes of Prague. Successive repetitive-progressive pattern analysis of the letters to Agnes of Prague places Clare within the domain of servant leader and identifies her leadership values as congruent to Kathleen Patterson's theoretical model of servant leadership. Clare's spirituality is one of appropriation of the kenosis of Jesus Christ. Clare of Assisi links her kenotic mysticism with her practice of servant leadership in an inter-dependent dynamic system of personal and communal transformation through radical self-emptying.

Feel free to contact me if you want a copy or link to the paper.