Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why risk it?

Christian Leadership informed by a deep understanding of the miracle and doctrine of the incarnation involves the willingness to take risks. I was reminded this morning of the inspiring thoughts of Max De Pree on the nature of taking risks.

De Pree writes: "Risks involves ambiguity and uncertainty. Risks result in a kind of learning available in no other way. Risk may entail a loss of control and an acceptance of vulnerability. Risks accompany abandoning the old makes way for the new. Risks on the part of individuals are the only way to improve our world. Humility invites risk, pride discourages it. Risks are inevitable."

May we learn to taking risks in our leadership whilst deeply rooted in the great grace of our God.

Further Reading:
De Pree, M 2003. Leading without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community. Wiley: San Francisco.