Friday, February 16, 2007

The New Friars

There is a wonderfully new inspiring book out on the emerging Christian movements to serve the poor across the world. It is written by Scott A. Bessenecker and entitled; "The New Friars". Bessenecker has many good insights on the possibility of incarnational leadership.

Shane Claiborne, founding member of Simple Way, provides the following endorsement: "Scott Bessenecker has taken the risk (or fallen to the temptation!) of putting words to a stirring of the Spirit that is both fresh and ancient. His brilliant work is a celebration of the new things God is doing, while locating these movements humbly throughout church history, as the simple renewals that the Spirit seems to bring over and over on the margins of empires and markets that threaten to infect and colonize the Christian identity. But be careful neither to hail these ragamuffin disciples as celebrities or to dismiss them as saints. Rather, allow their lives to challenge us to rethink what it means to be Christian. After all, the very fact that they seem radical or odd may only be an indictment on the sort of Christianity we have become accustomed to."